
Ceritakan Kisahmu

Because I could barely provide for the child I had already.

Amerika Serikat

I've been a single parent since I was pregnant with my son at 17. We moved from Brasil to the US when he was 2 months old. When my son was 8 I was in an "on again, off again" relationship, I found out I was pregnant again. My boyfriend at the time did pressure me, but ultimately it was my decision. I was financially unstable, on government assistance, and about to lose my house. I took a day off work for the appointment, I had gone for a pre-consult beforehand. The staff was friendly, my boyfriend waited in the waiting room as they took me in. The doctor was distant and cold. I was given a local anesthesia. There was a map of the world on the ceiling, I stared at that the whole time. I felt some discomfort, mostly pressure, kind of like a long uncomfortable pap smear. I went to the recovery room with several other women. We went for lunch, then a massage, then home to rest. When I went for my follow up about a week later, all was well. I asked for a copy of my ultrasound. I was only about 9 weeks along, but I named it Hannah. I keep her in a book with a page over it, so I only see her when I want to. I think about her from time to time. But to ensure a good life for my living child, I had to make a difficult choice. And, as hard as it was, ultimately, the best choice for both me and my son.

Bagaimana orang lain bereaksi terhadap aborsi Anda?


Anna K.

nie żałuję,


Aborté y no me arrepiento. I do not regret my abortion.


I felt very guilty but relieved . I was way too young to be a mother.


This is something that was necessary for me but most definitely the hardest and…


At the age of 15 I was told that I would likely never be able to get pregnant…


żaden powód do dumy, że wpadłam, ale że sie zdecydowałąm na aborcję, to jestem…

Carolina pink

Abortar tambien es un acto de amor


Zawsze miałam nieregularny okres, także tydzień spóźnienia nie dawał mi…


Fiz um aborto com 13 semanas , não se desespere vai dar tudo certo !




yo decidi un aborto,

Lucero Lucero

Creo que por fin tuve control de mi vida.


mi aborto. siempre te voy a recordar pequeña semillita


Order right away. Pill will arive after 10 days.

I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


Dwie kreski...Te dwie czerwone kreski na białym papierku były jak kubeł zimnej…


interrumpi un embarazo de 6 semanas

Pam Map

Yo lo hice no me arrepiento para nada y agradezco a este sitio por haberme…