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This will be my 5th abortion today. This is the first time I've do e it with the pills. The first time I was young. Then 3x with ex bf. Who thought I'd ruin his dreams. And now is the same story. I'm ready for a kid but I guess I keep putting the other persons perspectives before mine and also I do not have any so I don't know what it feels to love a child. Is very sad. But life continues ... one day I guess of I'm meant to be a mother I will be. The surgical isn't too bad very fast and barely remember because they give u sedation
.I will post again after I take yhe second part. I'm pretty scared I hear is pretty bad. Too late to turn back.

United States

Guys in school feels he will not be able to focus knowing this happening thus ruining his chances of finishing school. Previous guy was almost same eventho he regretted deeply after he saw the depression after math. But time heals and we move on.

Hogyan reagáltak mások az abortuszodra?

People I'm sure judge. Mother felt my pain. This one doing today no-one knows but the guy. I will not tell because I'm embarrassed at this point. I'm 31 and consciously making same mistakes


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