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Order right away. Pill will arive after 10 days.

2019 United States

I was determined on terminating my pregnancy. I was afraid of side effects. I had no ultrasounds or pregnancy checks at any clinic. I went into this with info from Plannedparenthood and Womenomweb and similar websites. I wish I had gotten the pill sooner, I hesitated almost 2 weeks because I wasn't sure if the site was legit and just to find Womenonweb it took some time. I am glad and grateful for WomenonWeb and AidAccess, they truly helped me. I believe my abortion was the right choice, and at 1 week after the abortion I am recovering well with no complications.

Womenonweb and Aidaccess are true supportive websites. Just be mindful to order the pills right away because they take more than a week to arrive.

I was not planning or expecting a pregnancy. I was going out late and drinking heavily every weekend until my period was late. My boyfriend and I knew that we ran the risk to defects due to the alcohol consumption and decided to seek an abortion soon. I also have not been prepared for it mentally. It is a little sad now, 1 week later, to notice changes on my body that before I didn't see because I didn't want to accept that I was pregnant. I was pregnant for 9 weeks and now my body is been going back to normal.

Vajon az abortuszod törvénytelensége befolyásolta-e az érzéseidet?

Abortion is legal in my state but the clinic nearest to me is 5 hours away. I didn't go to the clinic because of the distance and I didn't want anyone to try to persuade me otherwise.

Hogyan reagáltak mások az abortuszodra?

Supportive boyfriend. He was there for me.


i'm irish, i had an abortion while living in the netherlands.


Made me who I am today


J'ai avorté il y a 4 ans et demi


Porque no era el momento indicado y los anticonceptivos fallaron.

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I was with my parter for three and a half years when i fell pregnant. I was…


Porque la situación lo requería

Lucyna L

I had an abortion

Marta M.

Dokonałam aborcji


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No me arrepiento


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Tlhogi Tshegofaso

I did it when I was 4 weeks. Its was tremendously painful and horrific. The…


Ser solidária com quem abortou e defender a descriminalização jamais me fez…


I was twenty years old, terrified, and completely alone.

flicky flicky

it was safe and very effective...was 38days late.i follwed women on web within…


Y fue lo mejor