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I had an abortion in a country where I could get killed if I had sex before getting married

2019 Oman

I was anxious about how the process will go & whether it's gonna succeed or not, and that alone brought out different but related emotions as I also felt devastated and sad.

It went very quickly & smoothly. During my 8 weeks of pregnancy, I was tired & nauseated the whole time. I tried out some home remedies to terminate the pregnancy but I ended up feeling more nauseated. I literally tried every single thing on the internet; pineapples, papayas, teas, parsley, excessive workouts, taking the stairs, having more sex, smoking and drinking alcohol. Nothing of the above worked out. So, my partner & I decided to buy abortion medicines from the black market which was in a remote place & also expensive (over $500). Anyways, I randomly found this website and at first, I thought it's a scheme and not accessible until I started reading the stories in "I had an abortion" section which reaaaaaaaaly gave me hope & lifted my spirits up high. So I ordered the pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) and only paid €90 which is basically not a lot of money AT ALL. My main concern was to receive the shipment as fast as possible and without any customs complications (ex, the package gets seized & confiscated). Fortunately, I received the package in less than a week!!! I was beyond happy that it was delivered in such a short time and also without any complications. I followed the instructions in the package to the letter. My boyfriend & I took a couple of days off from work and spent that time together. I took the mifepristone once I received the package. The pill made me nauseated & I vomited a couple of times. I didn't have an appetite for anything although I was so hungry. 24 hours later, I took the first dose of misoprostol. After almost half an hour, I started bleeding lightly and the cramps were light at first. As time passes, the bleeding got heavier & the cramps got stronger. The cramps were so strong and painful. It's much stronger than a normal menstrual period. I used Cataflam & Ibuprofen to relieve the pain and it totally helped. I also had a fever but it only lasted for a few hours. The pain kinda passed me out. It was an endless circle of sleeping & waking up until I finally slept for over 7 hours straight. My boyfriend was a true stress-reliever. He helped me out through this difficult time & made sure I walk out of it stronger & much more mature. I woke up the next morning feeling a lot better, I felt alive, vivid & fresh. Most of the symptoms were vanishing; no more nausea, no more swollen breasts, no more fatigue. I got my appetite back. I got my mental & physical stableness back. The bleeding lasted for 2 weeks & I got my menstrual period back after a little over 4 weeks. Everything now is on track. I am happier, stronger, more aware, more grateful. Women on Web saved my life!

I wasn't married at that time. I could get killed if my family knew I had sex, let alone getting pregnant & having an abortion.

L'illégalité de votre avortement a-t-elle affecté vos sentiments ?

No, not at all. I have always advocated for legal access to abortion. I actually felt strong & empowered.

Comment les autres personnes ont-elles réagi à votre avortement ?

I only told my partner and a few of my friends. I am beyond happy that my partner was very supportive and stuck with me during the whole time of the abortion. It was a real test for our relationship as we walked out of it closer, stronger & more in love. I honestly don't know what would I have done without him.

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