Dawn & Kevin

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I had two abortions

2003 Canada (né en Canada)

I miss them... in a nutshell that's it... I miss them like crazy. I know what I did was right... but I still think about things a lot, like --> my children would be 4 this year (May 6th, 2004 & Aug. 21, 2004 were my due dates). The next strongest feeling I have is that I get angry at other ppl out there who SEEM to be able to just go out and have their babies... and even more angry at the ones that aren't doing the best job they can, I mean if you're going to make that choice, stand by it... all of our choices are for the rest of OUR lives when we're dealing with our children. I know I made the right choice for me at the time... but that's just me... I know I am very blessed... my husband and I were married on our 3 year anniversary... 2-3 years after the abortions... and I know that most couples don't make it and I'm very blessed to have such a strong relationship. Blessed Be to all visitors of this site.

well... the first abortion (Oct. 8th, 2003 - 9.5 weeks) I was awake for and I remember that my foot felt as though it would fall from the sling around my ankle at any minute, I was very afraid that I would knock my doctor in some way during the procedure.... the second (Mar. 11th, 2004 - 15.5 weeks) I was asleep for... I don't remember the procedure part of it specifically. - in both cases the waiting rooms were small and quiet feeling and leaving felt awkward. I was 20 years old.

I had just met my husband in the summer and that fall I found out I was pregnant.... it was far too early in our relationship... he has 3 children from a previous marriage, neither of us could find work at the time, and I suffer from bipolar mood disorder and anxiety attacks... it was bad timing really.

Comment les autres personnes ont-elles réagi à votre avortement ?

For the most part people were very supportive and understanding... I was expecting more ppl to react negatively and was very relieved to not have to deal with that in addition to my own thoughts and emotions at the time.

xxx xxx

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