
Share your story

I am going through an abortion at the mo .i am greatful to women on web to have allowed me have an abortion in my own country !! its a huge relief to me to be able to have control on a desicion which i should be able to make in this day and age .my story basically is that i got pregnant while taking the pill , im not in a serious relationship and my family is complete . im a single mum of 3 so was not able to travel overseas for one . thank you women on web

2008 Ireland (متولد Ireland)

واکنش دیگران نسبت به سقط جنین شما چیست؟

didnt tell anyone

Ania Kijawska

Mam dziecko, dom, męża zdecydowałam się na aborcję.

Liz Roldan

Porque mi situación económica era bulnerable y tenia otro hijo de 5 años al…


I had an abortion in the US a few years ago. I think it is important for all of…


fui libre respecto esta decision

Dolores Feffer

I had two.

No woman should ever have to justify a dessicion on her own body.


Zrobiłam to, mimo że nigdy nie myślałam że będę potrzebować takiej pomocy. Mimo…


O dono do meu corpo e do meu destino sou eu, e não a sociedade hipócrita e…

Pam Map

Yo lo hice no me arrepiento para nada y agradezco a este sitio por haberme…


Nie klasyczna wpadka. Brane pigulki nie zadzialaly. Za duzy miks z innymi…

Lauren Jackson

I got pregnant while in college in Tennessee in 1976 and had an illegal…

Johanna P.

Era lo que tenia que hacer


Saya masih duduk di kelas 3 SMA saat melakukan aborsi. Saya sudah pacaran…


Aborsi adalah satu satunya pilihan terberat yang aku putuskan. Ga mungkin untuk…


Your Dreams Are Real, So Are Abortions.


Pense en el bienestar de los 2


I had an abortion, and i should not have to hide it. My womb is still just fine.

Lindsay Millett

I had an abortion


Fiz um aborto tive o apoio dá minha irmã mais velha que pagou a enfermeira​ que…


Aún grito perdón