
Share your story

2011 Argentina

I was 17 years old when i found out I was pregnant. I tould my mom, she used to work for a doctor that luckily knew a ginecologist that practice abortions in his office. IT was expensive, but safe. I had the luck to count with the money at that time. 10 years have past, and I still think is the best choice i have ever made in my entire life. Now abortion is legal in my country and I could't be more happy. 💚Aborto legal seguro y gratuito para todes 💚


Muy difícil decisión


Yo aborte

La mujer decide

La sororidad es el arma más fuerte entre mujeres


Tak, miałam aborcję


Verantwortungsbewusste Entscheidung


Miałam aborcję - nie żałuję


I have had two abortions


Historia właściwie była dość typowa, sex, pęknięta gumka, spóźniający się okres


"#AbortoLegalYa" era tendencia número uno en redes mientras yo lo hacía…

Ma N

Y fue un proceso duro física y emocionalmente.


Minha história começa com o sonho de cursar medicina no Brasil, o que é muito…


I had an abortion when I was 21. I knew right away that I was pregnant--within…

F. B

Vivi 2 meses em um pesadelo

Flor de Luna

Piloto automático, pero no me arrepiento

Eléonore Delmas

I had an abortion

Cumbe Nelia

Fiz dois abortos com 20 anos...uma em janeiro nao usamos o preservativo mas ele…