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I had an abortion

2011 Filipinas (nacido en Italy)

i don't believe that other people should decide what we should feel about being pregnant. It should be our own choice and the people around us should support our decision instead of saying its immoral. I respect other peoples choices and religious believes but they should do the same for me and everyone else like me.

scary on my own... unsure of what to expect.

im not ready. i don't think i will ever be ready but it should be my choice.

¿La ilegalidad del aborto afectó sus sentimientos?

i feel bad. Women should have that right to choose not to have children legally.

¿Cómo reaccionaron otras personas a tu aborto?

some of my friends understood, others were not that open about it


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I had an abortion and it changed my life, for better and for worse.


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Sin remordimientos