Lora Fleming

Comparta su experiencia

I had 3 abortions and as a medical student, I helped preform several abortions as well as seeing the results of "illegal" abortions

1989 Estados Unidos

in looking back I did feel guilty but so relieved -- also the persistent nausea I experienced with all 3 pregnancies stopped almost immediately which was huge - and now many years later I still feel such relief and I feel such fear about what is happening in the US and other places right now -- all women deserve a safe accessible inexpensive choice

it was relatively quick with some physical pain and major emotional pain even with supportive partner -- the nurses were empathetic but the doctors (could be my projection) seemed distant and cold

I had one daughter and a very busy and fulfilling career and life and I did not want to have more children -- it was in some ways a "selfish" decision but one that I am glad I was able to make and obtain a safe abortion without major financial or health costs

¿Afectó la ilegalidad de su aborto a sus sentimientos?

I felt incredibly lucky -- as a college student before becoming a physician I had worked in a public hospital in Arequipa Peru where women were brought when they had unfinished "illegal" abortions -- they were denounced by the healthcare providers because it was illegal and often not given any pain medicines -- and they had many horrible long term consequences including infections, infertility, chronic pain and this continues https://radioambulante.org/en/audio-en/we-decide as well as we will see more of this in the US and beyond and I try to support groups like planned parenthood, the reproductive rights foundation, women on waves, women on web

¿Cómo reaccionaron los demás ante su aborto?

In general with support and love although distinctly an issue especially from the physician who did 2 of these abortions that "3 is too many"


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