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2019 Estados Unidos

I was determined on terminating my pregnancy. I was afraid of side effects. I had no ultrasounds or pregnancy checks at any clinic. I went into this with info from Plannedparenthood and Womenomweb and similar websites. I wish I had gotten the pill sooner, I hesitated almost 2 weeks because I wasn't sure if the site was legit and just to find Womenonweb it took some time. I am glad and grateful for WomenonWeb and AidAccess, they truly helped me. I believe my abortion was the right choice, and at 1 week after the abortion I am recovering well with no complications.

Womenonweb and Aidaccess are true supportive websites. Just be mindful to order the pills right away because they take more than a week to arrive.

I was not planning or expecting a pregnancy. I was going out late and drinking heavily every weekend until my period was late. My boyfriend and I knew that we ran the risk to defects due to the alcohol consumption and decided to seek an abortion soon. I also have not been prepared for it mentally. It is a little sad now, 1 week later, to notice changes on my body that before I didn't see because I didn't want to accept that I was pregnant. I was pregnant for 9 weeks and now my body is been going back to normal.

¿La ilegalidad del aborto afectó sus sentimientos?

Abortion is legal in my state but the clinic nearest to me is 5 hours away. I didn't go to the clinic because of the distance and I didn't want anyone to try to persuade me otherwise.

¿Cómo reaccionaron otras personas a tu aborto?

Supportive boyfriend. He was there for me.


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I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.


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