
Comparta su experiencia

2013 Estados Unidos

I Knew it was the right choice for me, but I didn't feel comfortable sharing that with anyone because I didn't want to deal with the judgement and people who would say things like, "Don't you want to keep this last piece of him?"

I spiked a very high fever the next day. I went to an urgent care clinic and lied, saying I'd had a miscarriage. Technically, I did- it's just that it was an induced miscarriage. They sent me to the ER to do an ultrasound to ensure that there was nothing left. Everyone was extremely kind to me, sympathizing with my 'miscarriage.'

My husband had shot himself in front of me, 2 weeks before I found out I was pregnant.

¿Cómo reaccionaron otras personas a tu aborto?

I only told 2 people. Both were supportive.


Mi experiencia con Oxaprost. 7 semanas.

Hattie Ladd

I have had two abortions. The first one was when I was 20 and the second when I…

Nichole Jeffers

Being allergic to latex I became pregnant multiple times before I was 20 having…


Dowiedziałam się o mojej niechcianej ciąży podczas wizyty kontrolnej u…


I interrupted my early pregnancy

luna oscura

¿En serio estoy embarazada?


Not in this alone


Grow Yourself, Before You Grow a Baby.

Ania Kijawska

Mam dziecko, dom, męża zdecydowałam się na aborcję.

Regina Powell

I had an abortion and I'm about to have another.


Gdy okazało się, że jestem w ciąży najpierw się ucieszyliśmy z mężem. Będzie…

Almma Crysta

Supe de mi embarazo el 19 de enero de 2018 por una ecografía transvaginal que…


Yo aborté, a mis 25 años y en Chile. No es menor, es un país institucionalmente…


Lo hice por amor al bebé, no me merecía como mamá.


A maternidade como função obrigatória não é maternidade. Não é linda. Ser mãe…


Dzień, w którym dowiedziałam się o ciąży (kolejnej ciąży) był jednym z…


Miałam aborcję.