Deel je ervaring

I had an abortion and I do not regret my choice. It is very important to me to remove the stigma

2001 Kanada (geboren in Canada)

I could have clicked just about every box here. I felt such a range of emotion around my choice. I so badly regret getting into the situation, not the abortion itself. I felt guilty, I felt sad, I felt shame but above all else I felt relief, I felt sure of my decision, I felt so thankful that it was MY choice

I was couch surfing at the time. I was 19, had no education or any realistic prospects of decent income. I was not in a relationship with the would-be father. I just knew it was the clear choice for me

Hat die Illegalität Ihres Schwangerschaftsabbruchs Ihre Gefühle beeinflusst?

no, I would have made the same choice. It just would have been much less safe

Wie haben andere Menschen auf Ihre Abtreibung reagiert?

I was lucky enough to have support from all who knew me and what was going on

baby t

i had 2 abortions first 1 when i was 16 i knew i was ready to have a child or…

Eva Paradise

Aborté. Fue un alivio. Nunca me arrepentí. Hoy tengo dos hijos y puedo criarlos…

Alma en busca de libertad


YoungWoman from India

This website gave me the confidence that I could do it. It gave me all the…

CJ Koivuniemi

I had an abortion. I was twenty years old and living in Ireland, a country…


fui libre respecto esta decision

Ana Lu

e vida nova pela frente...


Bueno yo aborte por que no encontré otra salida...
A principios de diciembre del…


El Misotrol salvó mi vida


I had an abortion and I don't regret it. It was a hard decision but one I knew…


I got pregnant at age 44 after a birth control failure. I am so blessed to…


Zdarzały mi się już wcześniej spóźnione okresy, które skutkowały paniką i…

Mitzi .

I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.

Beth Smith

I was with my parter for three and a half years when i fell pregnant. I was…


We're not monsters!


Tuve suerte...

xxx xxx

znów mogę cieszyć się życiem...

Lora Fleming

I had 3 abortions and as a medical student, I helped preform several abortions…

Lucy Bennett

I was almost 5 months pregnant and I had no idea. I had just turned 16 and me…