Mitzi .

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I had an abortion. And i know that was the best choice.


I already said everything about my choice.

I prepared everything carefully, considering all the details. I tried to take care of me and my safety. I researched everything about the medication (misoprostol), and I bought the drugs. In my house, with the company of my boyfriend, I did the abortion. It's a little painful, but you can take. It was like a very strong menstrual cramps. The next day I went to the public hospital and made the necessary procedures.

My boyfriend and I had a problematic relationship. He is a irresponsable, egoist and spoiled guy. My family is not rich like him, but would support me with the child and his family too, but I did not want to have a child with him, this it would destroy my future. He has a rich family and would study and succeed. And I, although the helps of our families to build the child, i would have to leave college and take a life that i don't want for me: in home, without study and taking care a child.

Hat die Illegalität Ihres Schwangerschaftsabbruchs Ihre Gefühle beeinflusst?

yes, when i went to the hospital after the abortion, at first, the doctors tried to embarrass me,with conversations about ilegality. But when i showed my intelligence and wisdom about what I was doing, they realized I was no stupid or irresponsible and understood my act. And so, they helped me without more questions. i don't care if i did something ilegal for STATE, CHURCH, OR OTHER THINGS OR PEOPLE. I DID THE BEST FOR ME.

Wie haben andere Menschen auf Ihre Abtreibung reagiert?

I did not want to be a mother, and was not ready at that time.My friends helped me and gave everything I needed. My family don't know about this because they believe that to have a children is a duty, if you are pregnant. I only tell about my abortion to some people. I really prefer to do this way, i don't want to hear bullshits about God, religion, and all stupid things that have been putting chains on women through the years. this is it. I HAD AN ABORTION, AND I KNOW THAT WAS THE BEST CHOICE.


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