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I had an abortion only a few months ago. I'm 30, a praticing Christian, a school teacher and unmarried.

2007 Jamaika (geboren in Jamaica)

It's strange to feel all these things at the same time but this is how I feel. I'm relieved that I have not disappointed anyone (except me) but I am ashamed and disappointed in myself for not being able to take charge of my life enough to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

I found that it just kind of had me out of sorts for a while. I had to just lie there for about 20 minutes. I bled for a couple of days and had terrible cramps. But it was over in less than a week and I'm ok now.

My partner (now ex) already had grown children and was not looking for a serious relatonship or a new family. I couldn't face the world pregnant. Too many people would be disappointed by the fact that I was sexually active.

Hat die Illegalität Ihres Schwangerschaftsabbruchs Ihre Gefühle beeinflusst?

No. It was illegal but I went to a respected gyn who did it in what appered to be a clean and safe environment. I was embarassed as his staff kept looking at me.

Wie haben andere Menschen auf Ihre Abtreibung reagiert?

My partner (now ex) was relieved. He had more to lose from having a child than I did. My sister, the only other person that knows was quite supportive. I'm happy I told her what I was going to do.


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