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I had an abortion about seven years ago when I was 16. I was in an abusive relationship and I know that if I were to have the baby, it means that I will have to marry my abusive boyfriend. I decided to had an abortion for the sake of my own safety and the baby itself. I know I wouldn't be able to support the baby myself, and I know things are going to be worsens if I had to marry the baby daddy. Now I have a Masters degree, and a well-paying job, because I could focus on myself and fixing my issues. I will always cherish the memory I have during the pregnancy and will always love the baby in secrecy.

2013 Indonesien

I was sad, because I wish this wasn't the circumstance. I always wanted to be a mother, but I had to understand that motherhood wasn't easy. I felt relieved because with the abortion I am able to escape the abusive relationship.

It was painful, like an extremely painful period. Make sure that you have someone with you during the abortion since you lost a lot of blood.

I am depressed and I couldn't even support myself

Hat die Illegalität Ihres Schwangerschaftsabbruchs Ihre Gefühle beeinflusst?

No, it doesn't

Wie haben andere Menschen auf Ihre Abtreibung reagiert?

I only told my ex boyfriend's mother because she understands that her son are acting abusive towards me. She was reluctant and as a devout Christian she was angry at first, however she supported me after she hear me out.


À la limite du délai légal, j'ai avorté à 18 ans et 1 mois. J'étais soutenue…


Yo aborte


Y lo volvería a hacer, habia terminado con mi ex pololoy el era super…

Pam Map

Yo lo hice no me arrepiento para nada y agradezco a este sitio por haberme…


I had an abortion. And I would do it again, if I was me at that time back then…

I had an abortion..W słońcu ludzie wyglądają tak, jakby zasługiwali na to, aby…

Paulette De los reyes

Decidi lo mejor para las dos


Fue una difícil decisión a pesar que no es mi primer aborto. Sé que tengo un…


El adiós más difícil.


Saya masih duduk di kelas 3 SMA saat melakukan aborsi. Saya sudah pacaran…


Me hice un aborto porque no quería ser madre en ese momento.

Sofia Ignatius

I had abortion n all went well


Me siento vacía ...

andrea ka

Yo aborte