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Medical abortion at 9wks 5days

2017 Vereinigte Staaten

It felt like I was having a miscarriage not an abortion

Hat die Illegalität Ihres Schwangerschaftsabbruchs Ihre Gefühle beeinflusst?


Wie haben andere Menschen auf Ihre Abtreibung reagiert?

My mom was the only person who really didn’t want me to go through with it but my husband and other family were very supportive.


I was too careless after meeting a guy when I was in a vulnerable period and…


I had 2 abortions


Mi decisión

Beth Smith

I was with my parter for three and a half years when i fell pregnant. I was…


I was not in a stable relationship and was already raising a daughter on my own.

A .

16 semanas de terror


Uma escolha pra vida!


The 10 weeks I was pregnant were the happiest weeks of my life. My husband

Mireya Mireya

Y no siento culpa, dolor o pena se que aún sigue siendo tabú en México por la…

Anna Cavalcante

Olá, o meu nome é Anna, eu fiquei grávida aos 18 anos, e devido à minha idade


Sentimento de alívio e culpa

Lindseymae Mckay

My name is Lindseymae McKay. I will be 32 years old next week. I have a 6 year…


Oi amigas, primeiramente gostaria de dizer que eu entendo exatamente o quê…


Mi experiencia

YoungWoman from India

This website gave me the confidence that I could do it. It gave me all the…