ana ana

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i do love you my baby. but the moment now, is not right. i did this because i don't wanna world where i lived, hurt you. heaven is the right place for you. i love you, kaimeriana

2013 إندونيسيا

regret?? sure. for all the mistakes that i've done. all i can say is sorry and pray for my child.

i didn't feel cramp or pain from my stomach. bleeding was just happened. but the real pain that i felt is, when i realized, i killed my own first child with my hand. and i could do nothing about it. it feels like, i am a failed mom who can't protect her child.

i have to finish my school. and also, i have to protect my family's name.

هل أثر عدم شرعية الإجهاض على مشاعرك؟

sure. scared, panicked, sad, every negative feelings became one. deepest in my heart, i really wanna kept my baby alive. but, on the other side, i lived in a place that pregnant before married is unacceptable.

كيف كان رد فعل الآخرين على الإجهاض؟

my boy friend, seems happy and realive that i did the abortion. but no one knows except god, me, and my bf. i couldn't tell my family what i've done to my first child. they will be dissapointed if they know it. and i won't tell them. maybe i'll keep this secret till i die.

Luana Oliveira Jacob

Fiz um aborto - E me senti aliviada.Cada dia que me deito para dormir, fico…

Maria sovitlana

i really cant believe that i can do it in a country where so much hard law…

Amy Martinez

I had an abortion

Eva Paradise

Aborté. Fue un alivio. Nunca me arrepentí. Hoy tengo dos hijos y puedo criarlos…


Fiz um aborto com 13 semanas , não se desespere vai dar tudo certo !


To była moja druga aborcja. Jak się okazało, była dużo łatwiejsza, z…


I choose abortion hard at the beginning but I know this is the right choice


Nie będę opisywała o tym jak to się stało, że się dowiedziałam, każdy ma na to…


I forgot my birth control for a couple days on a trip, and it was enough to…

Rocio Beron

Tome mi decisión y estoy mejor haciendo lo que quiero y siento!!


A cry of freedom for all women who are dictated by the mentality of the norms…

Mariana Leitão

A tal história do “ engravidei por acidente” é real!


Kiedy zobaczyłam dwie kreski na teście ciążowym przeraziłam się. Mam już dwójkę…


I had an abortion

Dina Wood

I had an abortion.It was illegal in the United States at the time, but I was…

Karen vargas

Yo Decidí


I had a surgical abortion at Planned Parenthood in Beacon, NY at 4 weeks.


Sin remordimientos


Terminé mi embarazo