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I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed

2009 أستراليا (مولود في Australia)

As this was my first abortion I felt a little nervous and maybe a bit scared. But it isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be... It was A LOT easier than I expected and I felt a lot of relief afterward. Women have the right to choose.

I had a surgical abortion, the pain was similar to that of period pain... It was very quick and convenient.

There were a lot of reasons for my decision, on top of all that... It just didn't feel right. It wasn't the right time and that's OK.

هل أثر الإجهاض غير القانوني على مشاعرك؟

I feel grateful that in this day and age, women in Australia have access to a legal and safe abortion.

كيف كان رد فعل الآخرين على إجهاضك؟

My family aren't religious, so they were fine about it - My mum had an abortion when she was younger too. My friends and family were overall mostly supportive of my decision.

Mariana Leitão

A tal história do “ engravidei por acidente” é real!


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I had an abortion


Nigdy nie sądziłam, że to powiem ale tak, miałam aborcję.
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