Willem Velthoven

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I had several abortions. And children too!

Netherlands (gebore in Netherlands)

An abortion means that you let go of possible future. Even when I was very sure about the decision and relieved after the operation, there was also sadness and mourning about it. The sadness about not being able to enjoy this other future too!

Not on my own body so i find it hard to comment.

Het die onwettigheid van u aborsie u gevoelens beïnvloed?

The fact that abortion is legal and free in the Netherlands allowed us to focus on our own responsability and decision rather than on other troubles around it! We took it for granted and never realised that our parents had to fight for this right and that in so many countries it's not availabe safely.

Hoe het ander mense op u aborsie gereageer?

All abortions I was involved in were rather private. Not many others reacted to it. In general abortion is considered a common practice in the netherlands. But people don't talk about it.

Giovana Cardoso

Fiz um aborto com 10 semanas e 2 dias de gestação

xxx xxx

znów mogę cieszyć się życiem...


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Fabiola Moreno

I had an abortion when I was 16 years old.

pam carol

Yo aborte


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Maria sovitlana

i really cant believe that i can do it in a country where so much hard law…

Kristina Brandon

‪#‎StandWithPP‬ I never wanted kids. I got pregnant in college when I was 17.


I had an abortion. It was in October of 2008, when I was 21. The guy I was…


I had an abortion and I'm not ashamed


Decidida, sin culpa ni arrepentimiento, soy fiel a mi misma.

Micaela Mica

Debo decir que no me senti ni culpable ni arrepentida en ningún momento al…


I had an abortion and I'm so pleased that I had that option. I was only 18…


Me enfrente a la injusticia de haber nacido mujer